Uplifting affirmations and mindset quotes can be just the right pick-me-up when you need something inspirational. However, although they often sound nice and uplifting, unless they are truly personal, that boost is typically, very temporary.

Affirmations We ALWAYS Need!

An effective, genuine affirming statement to another, recognizes the individual’s character and uniqueness. It says “I see you!”

“I hear YOU, and all that you have to offer the world!”

afffirmations positive quotes selfloveafffirmations positive quotes selflove  afffirmations positive quotes selflove“You ARE loved, worthy, and belong!” aren’t just words, but NEEDS, that we all deserve to have fulfilled.

We need to hear it from others.  And even more, we need to hear uplifting affirmations from ourselves. Our self-concept -who we see ourselves as – comes from both, what we’re hearing and our self-talk.

Affirmations We NEVER Need

I’ll be the first to admit, I would never say to another, the words I’ve said to myself. My weight never low enough, my hair never quite right, and my judgement, well, “why the heck did you do that?” Affirming my flaws, especially in comparison to others, always steals my joy.

It’s not like we don’t play the comparison game enough from the highlight reels we see constantly portrayed on TV, Facebook and Instagram, right?  Dumping the negatives on ourselves is the last thing we need. And really it doesn’t do anyone, any good.

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afffirmations positive quotes selfloveafffirmations positive quotes selfloveafffirmations positive quotes selflove

Instead, edifying our individual uniqueness and true nature is how we can build ourselves, and as a result, our community.

“You’re Awesome!” and “You’re Great!” are nice, but so vague that they mean little to most.

Identifying others’ strengths and gifts says from the view of another spirit, “I’m truly noticing the real you.”  A genuine affirmation like that can create an indispensable gift of belonging, which is one of the greatest gifts we can pass on.

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afffirmations positive quotes selflove

afffirmations positive quotes selflove

afffirmations positive quotes selflove

The reality is we powerfully create not only the world around us, but also lift and build – or tear down – the individual we see in the mirror.  Affirming strengths, gifts and character costs us nothing, and doing so, is more valuable than truly any other gift.

Spread those building words like sunshine.  Let them rain like a beautiful storm. Quickly, the rainbows will appear, and more vividly than ever before.



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afffirmations positive quotes selflove

afffirmations positive quotes selfloveafffirmations positive quotes selflove

How do you affirm your uniqueness?

One of my favorite authors and speakers is Brené Brown. She addresses embracing our unique life, saying, “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.”

Brene Brown’s Website

I’d love to hear your favorite words of affirmation below.  Your words may just be the gift that others need to add to their self-talk arsenal.

Your Self-Care Sis,



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