Dry skin got you puzzled? Could it be the change of season? Something hormonal? Your new foundation?

All of these aspects do tend to cause changes to your skin at this time of year, often creating very dry, red, irritated skin.  Whatever the culprit, there is relief on the horizon, and you won’t have to wait until spring to find it.

Let’s start by “debunking” a few common myths around dry, flaky skin issues.  Then, we’ll remedy your challenges with some simple, proven skincare hacks and techniques.


Using a super-thick cream will better hydrate your skin


An overdose of lipids can actually trap dead, dry skin cells and leave skin looking more dull, and possibly cause breakouts.

Because concentrated doesn’t necessarily equal optimal hydration, it’s recommended to layer night serums under creams, maximizing absorption and boosting moisture retention.

Adding in moisture-boosting masks a few times a week can greatly sooth and smooth, as well.


Washing your face less often prevents excess dryness.


A gentle cleansing routine is critical for removing pore-clogging dirt and other pollutants, so is an essential part of your morning and evening routine.

Typically washing twice a day is plenty, no matter what your skin type, unless in very physical activity or conditions.  Using a gentle, hydrating cleanser and exfoliant will help maintain a healthy pH balance without removing the natural skin moisture.


Loading up on a “chapstick” prevents chapping.


Lip balms often contain a form of wax, which may temporarily help to protect from the environment. However, most contain fragrance, colors, and alcohol, which can irritate and cause increased flaking.

Using a gentle sugar scrub to remove the top dead layer of skin from the lips, followed by an easily absorbed, long-lasting balm will give your pucker a much smoother, softer appeal.


If you have oily skin, you don’t need a moisturizer.


All skin types need the benefits that around-the-clock hydration and protection offer, because oil and hydration are two different aspects.

In fact, allowing oily skin to become dehydrated, causes it to “overcompensate”, producing more oil.

So, ultimately, different skin types simply call for different formulas of moisturizer. A richer, humectant for dry skin, and a light-weight, oil-free base for oily, blemish-prone skin.


I’m stuck with this horribly dry skin. There’s nothing I can do!


Dead, dry skin is caused by the natural process of our skin regenerating and coming to the surface.  Often, it needs the help of an exfoliant, or dead skin remover, to slough off the dead layer, and allow the fresh, new skin to show.

There are many different kinds of these dead skin removers, from physical to chemical in nature.  For example, a physical scrub could range from a gentle, daily scrub containing beads that remove that surface layer, to a fine crystal scrub, as you’d find in a microdermabrasion solution.  Glycolic acid, which is a natural fruit acid, is an example of a chemical form, often in the form of a peel or a face mask, that when left on for a small period of time, will remove the dead layer as well.

Using some or all of these TRUE forms of dry skincare and protection will put you on the path to smoother, healthier skin. Incorporating them into your daily routine will shift that ultra-dry skin into the soft, smooth, pampered feel you were hoping for!

Go ahead! Pamper yourself! You deserve it!

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