Have you heard of the book “Girl, Wash your face!” by Rachel Hollis?
I know. Silly question. Of course, you have! Throughout this self-care, motivational best-seller, she shares her many challenges in life and business, and how she’s worked through them.
This book became so popular, and so powerful because it hits home for each of us, in some way as the hidden lies we all deal with in some fashion are brought to light. The transparency of her self-imposed pains and harmful self-talk speaks volumes to those of us who could so relate. I’ve said many times, “I would never speak to another human the way I speak to myself.” The hurtful lies we tell ourselves, or have come to accept, are laid out one by one in this book, plus an important truth.
The truth?
You, and only you, are ultimately responsible for who you become and how happy you are. That’s the takeaway…your life is up to you.
What are you willing to accept?
Who have you come to believe YOU are?
Do you believe you’re worthy and have a choice?
Are you choosing to believe the lies- or God’s truths?
Understanding that although you are not able to control every thought that pops in your head or that’s stirred up from stuffed feelings, you CAN choose which thoughts to focus on. You CAN choose your own happiness, knowing that you have control of your actions and ultimately, your own life.
I’ve slowly been embracing and trusting the process of faithing-it-forward each day. That my efforts will be blessed when done with the servant spirit and heart. That others need to hear what I have to say. He’s given me, and you, unique gifts that can and are a blessing when shared with others.
But THOSE truths will never be believable if you don’t first understand the lies that run on repeat in your head and get in the way of it. You need to take notice of those thoughts, and intentionally, crush those lies that you’ve come to accept.
Because it’s impossible to go somewhere new, to become something new, without first acknowledging where you are. The self-awareness that comes from truly digging into what you’ve come to believe about WHO you are, can truly be life-changing.
Become a priority in your life!
Give your body the respect it deserves. Feed your energy with things that bring you joy. Have fun, taking “me time” throughout the day. Do you enjoy walks with a friend? Breaks on the deck? Stretching and meditation? Make a note of what “little things” stir smiles and energy.
Go where you are celebrated!
Read, watch, and find a community that reminds you that you are loved, that you belong here. Remove things – TV shows, news, movies- that bring you down. Put up boundaries with those who drag you down, while scheduling in time with those who uplift.
You CAN choose to believe that emotions and feelings are not facts. Others’ opinions of you are not facts. We must feed our minds with God’s truths in order to make them louder and more powerful than the lies that come our way.
So I ask you, WHO have you come to accept YOU are?
Are you willing to take accountability for the life you’re creating?
Do you claim the crown that He has laid upon your head, Princess?
Affirm your God-given gifts and strengths, every day, throughout the day. Own your choices and ask for guidance in them. Learn from the consequences. And let the lesson and experience help you make your next best step forward.
Your Self-Care Sis, Jackie